【寿司】鮓菜 浅乃 西麻布

【寿司】鮓菜 浅乃

YouTube チャンネル "美味しんブログ"


西麻布にある 鮓菜 浅乃 に行って参りました。広尾駅から6〜7分の上品なお寿司やさん。

大将は、とても気さくでに 楽しそうに鮨を握る方で 頂く私たちもとても楽しく美味しい時間をすごせました。女将さんの気遣いもちょうど良く素晴らしかったです。
また、最高の寿司を食べてもらいたいという プロとしての意気込みをとても感じるお店です。

おまかせ 鮨コース
旨味を凝縮させた 牡丹海老
1貫目 鰯
2貫目 平目の昆布締め
3貫目 シャコ
4貫目 赤貝
5貫目 鯵
6貫目 車海老
7貫目 鮪 赤身
8貫目 墨烏賊
9貫目 鮪 中トロ
10貫目 コハダ
11貫目 煮蛤
12貫目 紫雲丹
13貫目 バフン雲丹
14貫目 煮穴子
デザート 初物のスイカ

握りおまかせコース 18000円(税別)

YouTubeチャンネル "美味しんブログ"
是非 他の動画も是非ご覧ください。

鮓菜 浅乃

Best Sushi in Japan - Tsukiji Fish Market to $300 HIGH-END SUSHI in Tokyo! | Japanese Food

►Check out The Hungry Tourist: www.instagram.com/the.hungry.tourist/
►SUBSCRIBE for 2 new videos per week: bit.ly/MarkWiensSubscribe

For this Japanese food and sushi tour, I was on the Best of Tokyo Food Tour with David from The Hungry Tourist. His tours are one of a kind and focus on deep high end food!

For more details check out The Hungry Tourist:
►Instagram: www.instagram.com/the.hungry.tourist/
►Facebook: www.facebook.com/thehungrytourist/

NOTE: In saying «Best Sushi in Japan», Im not saying this particular restaurant is the best sushi in Japan, but that the sushi journey, from Tsukiji fish auction, to the middle man who the best sushi chefs in the world get their tuna from (where we visited), to the omakase style of eating sushi — its the entire process thats the best in the world of sushi.

We started off by going to the Tsukiji Fish Market tuna auction, that takes place early in the morning. The famous fish market is the biggest tuna auction in the world, and the best tuna that you get just about anywhere in the world for top end sushi restaurants comes through Tsukiji Market. We met up with Sushi Master Hiro Sato, who brought us around the market and took us to the Tuna King (Yamaguki), who is known for buying tuna and reselling on the best tuna to the best of the best of sushi restaurants in Tokyo.

It was fascinating to have an opportunity to visit Tsukiji Market for the fish auction, and to see the tuna being sliced in front of your eyes.

Sushi Arai (鮨 あらい) — For dinner, we had reservations a t one of the best restaurants in Tokyo for sushi, a restaurant called Sushi Arai. Our Best of Tokyo food tour had the entire 8 seater restaurant to ourselves, and it was pure joy to watch the chefs as they assembled each mini plate of food. Then it was time for sushi, and Chef Arai is a master, he literally just flies with his hands, gathering the fish in one hand and the ball of rice in the other, combining each bite with wasabi and molding them together. This was one of the best sushi experiences I’ve ever had in my life, and the quality, balance, and perfection of the sushi, is next level.

Price — About 34,000 JPY ($300) per person

It was an amazing day of learning about the best sushi in Japan, both from the Tsukiji Market auction side, and the distribution of the tuna, all the way to eating at one of the top luxury sushi restaurants in Tokyo.

Thank you to The Hungry Tourist for inviting me on The Best of Tokyo Food Tour.
I didn’t personally pay for the food in this video.

MUSIC: Love Me Now — goo.gl/HwVjdo

***CAMERA GEAR*** I used to make this video (these are affiliate links):
Main camera: amzn.to/2sV0XQO
Main lens: amzn.to/2szLZNf
2nd lens: amzn.to/2wXXT8h
Microphone: amzn.to/2rBKD3z
Gorillapod: amzn.to/2rBFkkI

I would love to connect with you!
Instagram: instagram.com/migrationology
Facebook: www.facebook.com/migrationology

T-shirts available now: migrationology.com/store/

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Возвращение КИМЧИ (КИМ ЧИ, ЧИМЧИ!) в 2020 году! Пора совершить кимджан! Это особенное тяжёлое, но важное событие заготовки кимчи из пекинской капусты на целый год вперёд, которое может напомнить вам о заготовке квашеной капусты на зиму. Кимчи — это наверное самая главная закуска, которая присутствует на столе в Корее почти всегда. Вместе с мамой покажу рецепт как готовить настоящий корейский кимчи с добавлением некоторых маминых секретных ингредиентов.

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