Как научиться резать ножом. Шеф-повар учит резать.

Кто-то из вас мне написал комментарий, про то что каждый раз когда идет готовить режет палец ножом. Вот про это и будет сегодняшний ролик. Как резать так, чтобы не порезаться.) Берегите пальцы!!! #Шефповар #ВасилийЕмельяненко #Приготовлювашенастроение #ножи #шефнож

Мой интернет-магазин: gadgetchef.ru

А как точить ножи можно посмотреть тут: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ngrg3onRTNI

Fast Workers Super human Level - Fast Workers God Level 2017

Fast Workers Super human Level — Fast Workers God Level 2017

How to make the best BBQ:https://bit.ly/32lvHIO

The Best Recepies for evryone:https://bit.ly/2Umb24o

Check out More Fast Workers Video:

Worlds Fastest Pizza Makers Compilation:

Fast Workers Compilation-Super Human Level-2017 #1: youtu.be/NJfrmqilWc0

Fast Workers Compilation-Super Human Level-2017 #2:

Fast Workers Compilation-Super Human Level-2017 #3:

Fast Workers Compilation #1: youtu.be/UTCFwOmkjjo

* None of these images, music

Satisfying video - Top 5 Knife Skills by Masterchef

Amazing cutting skills ~ Its Culinary Magic to watch Masterchef John Zhangs cutting technique. All of his most impressive and most memorable cooking experiences involving knives and cutting, which is why we’ve compiled a list of Chef Johns top 5 knife moments!

00:08 Cut tofu — Braised tofu recipe
03:59 Cut potato
07:37 Fish cutting — Sweet and sour Chrysanthemum Fish (Blossoming)
11:14 Cut gizzard
14:29 Cut cucumber

#cutting #masterchef #top 5

Subscribe for more easy and tasty recipes:

Are you craving for yummy food? Look no further.

Here we have the best recipes, prepared by award-winning masterchef to showcase authentic, traditional cooking.

Whether you want to know how to make tasty meals at home, or learn how to master cooking, weve got you covered.

the secret world of the japanese swordsmith

Documentary from 1997
©1997 Troivision Co., Ltd/Warabe No Mori Co., Ltd. kobayashi dldg, 4-7 Yotsuya Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Japan

The Japanese sword is the soul of the Samurai. The crafting of this work of art — which embodies beauty, strength and tradition — has been shrouded in secrecy for more than thousand years.
Because of the highly advanced techniques and numerous years of dedicated effort required in crafting Japanese swords, the skill has always been a closely kept and jealously guarded secret.
Yohindo Yoshihara is a consummate Japanese swordsmith and a very high regarded Mukansa craftman in Japan. He is also the best-known Japanes swordsmith outside of Japan.
His masterpieces have been purchased for exhibit by the Metropolitan Museum of art in New York City and the Museum of fine Arts in Boston. He has numerous fans worldwide, including His Royal highness, king Gustav of Sweden.
This video has been produced to appeal to all aficionados of Japanese sword around the world and is a treasure trove of sercrets to Yohindo Yoshiharas truly outstanding Japanese sword craftsmanship.

Когда японка узнала, что я русский. Уезжаю из Токио, что дальше? Фейк кастинг по-японски

Конкурс в поддержку фильма «На пути к доверию — русские в Японии» — russia-japan.org/

За 10 лет жизни в Японии я наконец решил уехать из Токио. И это как раз в тот самый момент, когда японка Вака сказала, что любит меня. Но куда же я поеду? Главный вопрос, как же японки и японцы на самом деле реагируют на русских? Ощути ритм жизни в Японии таким, каким он должен быть.

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