The Truth About Real Kobe Beef

You might have heard about Kobe Beef before, but do you know what it really is, and what makes it different from other beef? Whats the difference between Kobe Beef and Wagyu? We went down to Kobe and got to speak with someone from the Kobe Beef Association so we could learn what really makes Kobe Beef, Kobe Beef.

Thank you to the Kobe Beef Association for bringing us over and letting us shoot this video. We learned a lot, and I hope you all watching did as well! Learn more about Kobe beef here

For more videos on Kobe beef, check out this playlist:

Japanese Food Tour - HIDDEN-GEMS in Tokyo, Japan | Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner!

Japanese food in Tokyo for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
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One of the best things to do when you travel is eat delicious local food. So one of the ideas I like to do when I visit any destination is eat a typical breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Japanese food is amazing, and in Tokyo you have so many options of what to eat, so on this Japanese food tour, I decided to eat a mix of typical and authentic Japanese food.

Breakfast at Shokudo diner 東新宿食堂
Japanese breakfast can be very regional in Japan, but a good typical Japanese breakfast is a bowl of rice, miso soup, and often a piece of grilled fish like a mackerel. Just down the road from where I was staying in Tokyo, we went to the local diner for some Japanese breakfast.
Price — 1,690 JPY ($15.29) for everything on my tray

Lunch at Sanshuya 三州屋
This is one of the best local Japanese restaurants I’ve ever been to in Tokyo. Thank you to Yuko for this recommendation. It’s a small hole-in-the-wall restaurant that serves incredibly fresh fish and daily specials. Amazing little restaurant in Ginza, for best Japanese food.
Total price — 3,300 JPY ($29.87) for 2

Dinner at Shibuya Morimoto Yakitori
There are so many different Japanese food you can choose to eat for dinner, but one of the common businessman meals is an afterwork stop at an izakaya (a Japanese pub). One type of izakaya is a yakitori restaurant, serving grilled chicken. I went to a restaurant called Shibuya Morimoto, a wonderful chicken heaven and ordered the omakase set. The chicken sashimi was actually incredible!
Total price — 9,001 JPY ($81.45) for 2

So that wraps up this authentic Japanese food tour of breakfast, lunch, and dinner in Tokyo. Thank you for watching!

— MUSIC in This Video: Try To Walk Away —

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Day in the Life of a Japanese Ramen Chef

This is Tokyo life working in Japan at a Japanese Ramen Shop as a Ramen Chef. Japanese workers are often portrayed as Salarymen but in this video we focus on Japanese food services industry and what it is like to work in a Japanese restaurant. This is a day in the life of a Japanese Chef, Tetsuya, 41 years old, working in Japan at a ramen store, karashibi miso ramen Kinkanbo. Its a popular spicy ramen shop in Tokyo Japan serving a devil ramen. We see Japanese working hours as well as Japanese workers in a Tokyo ramen restaurant, a peek into Japanese life. Tetsuya starts the day in his apartment and as an average Japanese worker, he commutes to work in Tokyo via train. It only takes him 20 minutes to get to work, but soon after arriving, hes busy working at the Japanese food restaurant and preparing Japanese ramen noodles for customers. His main duty is the manager of the ramen shop, but he also creates new gentei limited time menu items as a Japanese ramen chef. Life in Tokyo is amazing and part of this is because we have dedicated workers in Japan that keep the city running. To be a Japanese chef you must really have a passion for what you do. If you are ever looking for a spicy food challenge or spicy ramen challenge in Tokyo, then the Kikanbo ramen shop should be you first destination. But dont worry, if you cant eat spicy ramen, the ramen shop also prepares non-spicy version of the ramen bowl. Customers can choose their level of spiciness from low all the way to Oni level, aka Devil ramen. Enjoy this Japanese food tour of a Japanese ramen shop.

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What Owning a Ramen Restaurant in Japan is Like

Пройдите за кулисы и узнайте — каково это владеть рамен рестораном в Японии. Если вам нравятся эти мини-документальные фильмы, мы будем счастливы, если вы поддержите нас на Patreon Поддерживая нас, вы получите доступ к таким вещам как: наши комментарии, не вошедшие в видео кадры, вырезанные сцены и чат с нами в формате «вопрос — ответ».

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Saitamaya: The Master of Grilled Meat

If you have a great meal, but youre not allowed to take a picture of it, is it still delicious? At Saitamaya, the answer is yes.

Were thrilled to share our experience at Saitamaya, where the master has perfected the art of Yakiton, but he wont let you take any pictures or video of the food. Yet, he allowed us to shoot here this day. The food here is unbelievable. People travel from all over the country to eat here, and — if youre coming to Japan — you definitely need to stop by here.

Come, let us introduce you to the master of grilled meat.

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Adventures on Oshima Island, Japan

We went to Oshima Island, and we met two guys who arm wrestled over where we should eat ramen, and we challenged a guy to the drums, and we pet a lot of bunnies. Also, this is where Godzilla was dumped in an attempt to kill him! Is he alive or dead!!???

Read more about Oshima!

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What To Eat in Hawaii

Heres the second video we did while we were in Hawaii. The first video was of us having fun. This video, though, is 18 freaking minutes of us EATING ALL THE FOOD! SO MUCH FOOD! ALL OF IT! Theres none left for anyone else. Its all in our stomachs now.

Hilton helped out with this video as well. We dont know Hawaii very well, so we got a list of places to eat. And I think we got a good bit of Hawaiin food in there! If there are any places we missed out on, please let us know in the comments, so that we can try them next time we come to Hawaii.

Thank you again to Hilton for sponsoring this video, and for giving us an amazing food and adventure experience. Wed love to see Hawaii again one day.

Book your next stay direct through Hilton HHonors, so you can have fun like we did AND EAT EVERYTHING:

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How to Make Soba Noodles

We spent a day with a soba master who taught us how to make soba noodles, with the perfect ratio of buckwheat. So this isnt clickbait! This guy is the real deal. Its not easy to make soba the way he makes it, but we gave it an honest effort at least.

Want to make soba with Sensei Ito? Book a spot here!

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