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Hot Dogs Caseros | La Capital

Hot Dogs con salchicha de res casera y terminados a la parrilla envueltos en tocino.

Grand Western Steaks: www.grandwesternsteaks.com
15% de descuento usando el código: LACAPITAL

Contacto directo: oscarlacapital@gmail.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/oscarmezar
Twitter: twitter.com/oscar_mezar
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lacapitalcocina

Playeras de La Capital: teespring.com/stores/lacapital

Mi Equipo:
Dutch Oven: amzn.to/2NhNDz4
Mi Ahumador: amzn.to/31bzHhl
Mi asador: amzn.to/2Oqsf89a
Kanka Grill: amzn.to/3hP9omw
Olla express: amzn.to/2CQ1fzr
Termómetro: amzn.to/3fw8Dx3
Tripa para chorizo: amzn.to/2GPFS2D
Mi cámara: amzn.to/31nzZPp
Guantes negros: amzn.to/2gZnqVC
Iniciador de fuego: amzn.to/2JJXVV6
Molino de Carne: amzn.to/34eiNjL
Cuchillo 1: amzn.to/2DPGXG6
Cuchillo 2: amzn.to/2rz1iqr
Cuchillo 3: amzn.to/31pqcZ7
Cuchillo 4: amzn.to/2AmeCp1
Cuchillo 5: amzn.to/2PDd38u
Sellador al vacío: amzn.to/2NsBw4n

Mi experiencia en el restaurante de Salt Bae | La Capital

Esta es mi experiencia y mi opinión sobre uno de los restaurantes que más tenía ganas de probar, por lo popular que ha sido en los últimos años...quería ver cómo era en general pero sobre todo probar la comida y la carne.

Nusr-Et Steakhouse: www.nusr-et.com.tr/en/home.aspx

Grand Western Steaks: www.grandwesternsteaks.com
15% de descuento usando el código: LACAPITAL

Contacto directo: oscarlacapital@gmail.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/oscarmezar
Twitter: twitter.com/oscar_mezar
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lacapitalcocina

Mi Equipo:
Dutch Oven: amzn.to/2NhNDz4
Ahumador 1: amzn.to/2xTmOt2
Ahumador 2: amzn.to/2QV8xXD
Asador Pequeño: amzn.to/36euvJJ
Mi asador: amzn.to/2Oqsf89
Mi cámara: amzn.to/31nzZPp
Guantes negros: amzn.to/2gZnqVC
Iniciador de fuego/carbón: amzn.to/2JJXVV6
Mi estufa: amzn.to/2ENnpBX
Cuchillo 1: amzn.to/2rz1iqr
Cuchillo 2: amzn.to/31pqcZ7
Cuchillo 3: amzn.to/2Qvkzre
Cuchillo 4: amzn.to/2AmeCp1
Cuchillo 5: amzn.to/2PDd38u
Cuchillo Carnicero: amzn.to/2WLxYLJ
Procesadora: amzn.to/2YGhofr
Molino eléctrico: tinyurl.com/yxgrvnqu
Sellador al vacío: amzn.to/2NsBw4n
Hojuelas de sal: amzn.to/2Xkf8yJ

Best Sushi Rice In The World | Hokkaido Rice Tour

Music we use...try it for free: email.getambassador.com/wf/click?upn=plt-2FGoapKktRmRAIjC75rX8v-2Bu0Vbx3btWO5v6OXg61-2Byl2Bi7s-2FssQ6OjjVQ2d7_5AQt-2FCMyoG0FmMK0asO9sUOhWcNNvJg9Wf5ROrk6AUmv-2B3QdRmf7pcRuR7cvmJPX-2FXnkWGFf20f8zXtW6EaxO-2FUu5HDG5-2FXQ24QYyUVB7HIyB1Mg8EofmBfoCIPv7AgmMU6DRp4g5agHEYBkb7CbfosfxmZpKATx5DBw8GkG47RIno8uvtrQnLZzlTZoVjx-2FBpaUizKo8OBNymbVhXuP8dmkapHR-2B9T0BQIqFxtOOrzpSrSa4w3ATqqRc7-2BoNe3SU45jWymLAx1BIjNOSQ43P5ubO38F-2FBBGAMCIMIdmXyo9L0FzchwHCNU-2FbLAlcs1O

To buy the products I use in my videos, check out my Amazon Store; the price to you is the same, but I will earn a very small commission.

Best Sushi Rice In The World from Master Sushi Chef Hiroyuki Terada

Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2wHjb9m
Watch more: (popular video/playlist)
Follow Hiroyuki Terada:
Facebook: facebook.com/pages/NoVe-kitchen-and-bar/175557962456764
Instagram: www.instagram.com/diariesofamastersushichef/
Twitter: twitter.com/RealSushiChef

Second Channel: youtube.com/user/MIAMISPICE68

Cameraman Channel: youtube.com/charlespreston

Watch More Hiroyuki Terada:
Recent Uploads: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw4w6pxDkwuYuWPKACrEdlFbNXtFK52AU
Popular Videos: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw4w6pxDkwuZYtstHx4FrAi8ftIz7sPvz
Extreme Series: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw4w6pxDkwuY19AA30--T67M3K-WGriC8
Low Difficulty Recipes: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw4w6pxDkwuYWch7Yc_lFyoSU9_M2Lvw5

Support our Patreon page to see exclusive content not seen on YouTube, videos that will make you a better sushi chef, and recipes that will dazzle your tastebuds...Master Sushi Chef Hiroyuki Terada shares his utmost intimate knowledge with you. www.patreon.com/diariesofamastersushichef

As always, we wish to thank all of our fans for spending time here with us on YouTube. Were all humbled and grateful for all of you and for all the sweet, kind and spirited comments. See you in the next episode…

Send fan mail and products to be reviewed to:
Hiroyuki Terada
6815 Biscayne Blvd,
Suite 103-451
Miami, FL 33138

New videos every Sunday and Wednesday!

Business Inquiries: diariesofamastersushichef@gmail.com

— About Master Sushi Chef Hiroyuki Terada:

Master Sushi Chef Hiroyuki Terada is one of the top Japanese Chefs in the entire world and the most popular Japanese chef on YouTube.

At age 10, Terada learned the basics of sushi from his father and then went on to attend RKC Chefs School in Kochi, Japan from 1987-1989. He soon earned a nickname for his fast knife, attention to detail, divine presentation and ability to create new dishes and accents based on traditional Japanese cuisine. After graduating RKC Chef School, he was called to serve under Master Chef Kondo at Yuzuan restaurant in Kochi, Japan from 1989-1992. Mr. Kondo is the master of Kansai style cooking, considered to be the high-end of Japanese cuisine. Terada earned the title Master Sushi Chef by becoming the standing head sushi chef

Super Volcano Sushi Roll (Dynamite, TNT) | Most Delicious Recipe

Super Volcano Sushi Roll from Master Sushi Chef Hiroyuki Terada
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2wHjb9m
Watch more: (popular video/playlist)
To buy your «Good Afternoon» merchandise, click here:

Follow Hiroyuki Terada:
Facebook: facebook.com/pages/NoVe-kitchen-and-bar/175557962456764
Instagram: instagram.com/chefhiroterada/?hl=en
Twitter: twitter.com/RealSushiChef

Second Channel: youtube.com/user/MIAMISPICE68

Cameraman Channel: youtube.com/charlespreston

Watch More Hiroyuki Terada:
Recent Uploads: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw4w6pxDkwuYuWPKACrEdlFbNXtFK52AU
Popular Videos: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw4w6pxDkwuZYtstHx4FrAi8ftIz7sPvz
Extreme Series: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw4w6pxDkwuY19AA30--T67M3K-WGriC8
Low Difficulty Recipes: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw4w6pxDkwuYWch7Yc_lFyoSU9_M2Lvw5

Support our Patreon page to see exclusive content not seen on YouTube, videos that will make you a better sushi chef, and recipes that will dazzle your tastebuds...Master Sushi Chef Hiroyuki Terada shares his utmost intimate knowledge with you. www.patreon.com/diariesofamastersushichef

As always, we wish to thank all of our fans for spending time here with us on YouTube. Were all humbled and grateful for all of you and for all the sweet, kind and spirited comments. See you in the next episode…

Send fan mail and products to be reviewed to:
Hiroyuki Terada
6815 Biscayne Blvd,
Suite 103-451
Miami, FL 33138

New videos every Sunday and Wednesday!

Business Inquiries: diariesofamastersushichef@gmail.com

— About Master Sushi Chef Hiroyuki Terada:

Master Sushi Chef Hiroyuki Terada is one of the top Japanese Chefs in the entire world and the most popular Japanese chef on YouTube.

At age 10, Terada learned the basics of sushi from his father and then went on to attend RKC Chefs School in Kochi, Japan from 1987-1989. He soon earned a nickname for his fast knife, attention to detail, divine presentation and ability to create new dishes and accents based on traditional Japanese cuisine. After graduating RKC Chef School, he was called to serve under Master Chef Kondo at Yuzuan restaurant in Kochi, Japan from 1989-1992. Mr. Kondo is the master of Kansai style cooking, considered to be the high-end of Japanese cuisine. Terada earned the title Master Sushi Chef by becoming the standing head sushi chef

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Рассказываю о японках, отношениях и почему так просто найти себе жену-японку, даже будучи студентом-иностранцем.

Я уже 10 лет живу в Японии и мне есть что рассказать и показать.

Мой инстаграм ➮ www.instagram.com/sergeykuvaev/

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Я-японец и изучаю русский язык 7 лет.
Живу с русской женой Наташей в Японии.
На моём канале рассказываю про Японию с точки зрения японца и показываю нашу повседневную жизнь в Японии!

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Подпишитесь на мой канал и не упустите новое видео!

★О чем это видео?
В этом видео я рассказываю, что поразило меня в жизни в России.

★Социальные сети
Instagram: www.instagram.com/koki_jp_ru/
*Секрет о Японии и нашей жизни с Наташей в Японии.
ВК: vk.com/public190382935
*Японский язык каждый день!

Приятного просмотра!


Группа Вконтакте – vk.com/for_you_zona
Я Вконтакте – vk.com/shizahytblu
Обзор на определенное аниме можно предложить здесь – vk.com/topic-96857351_34615849

Всем коничива, с вами Акира и тут я рассказываю об аниме. Пытаюсь вникнуть в индустрию. Выражаю непредвзятое, жесткое и временами агрессивное мнение. В целом тут лампово и няшно, так что не проходи мимо!!)




