Нагрянули в святая святых! Что такое китайская столовая? Что есть поесть в китайской столовой? Голодные китайцы в китайской столовой. Голодные русские в китайской столовой делают обзор китайской еды!
Я постаралась найти классические рецепты самых популярных десертов. Чизкейк Нью-Йорк, Тирамису и пирожные Анна Павлова получились невероятно вкусными. Моим любимым десертом является Тирамису, но от остальных я тоже не могла оторваться. Очень нежные, сочные, мягкие и самые самые. Эти десерты по праву считаются самыми популярными и вкусными.
Рецепт чизкейка Нью-Йорк:
Форма 21 см
-450 г творожного сыра
-100 г сметаны жирностью 20%
-100 г сливок жирностью 33%
-3 яйца
-150 г сахара
-2 ст л крахмала
-цедра половины лимона
-сок половины лимона
-10 г ванильного сахара
-250 г печенья
-100 г сливочного масла
Рецепт Тирамису:
-3 крупныя яйца
-50 г сахара
-щепотка соли
-300 г маскарпоне
-печенье савоярди (количество зависит от желаемой консистенции десерта)
— 1 чашка крепкого кофе без сахара
Рецепт пирожных Анна Павлова:
-3 яичных белка
-200 г сахарной пудры
-15 г крахмала
-1 ч л лимонного сока
— 150 мл сливок
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Take a walk in the country and breathe in the fresh mountain air of Ogawa Village, where the majesty of nature provides the ideal conditions for a relaxing retreat.
Japans most prized bluefin tuna comes from a town called Ōma where a HON-MAGURO auctioned in Tsukiji once fetched $1.4M (2003). Oma Maguro is a brand. Just the location its caught increases the price of the tuna by as much as 20%! I traveled to the town on the tip of Japans Honshu Island in Aomori prefecture to find out if the taste lives up to its reputation.
First I go out to the middle of the Tsugaru Straight between Honshu and Hokkaido to see where the maguro come from. The sea is rough out there and fisherman challenge themselves with line and pole to catch a prized bluefin.
I visit Oomanzoku to watch owner Takeuchi-san cut up a newly purchased hon-maguro from Tsukiji. He puts on a show 3-4 times a week and after the cut, I went in for a sashimi platter (3000 yen / $30)
I moved on to HAMA SUSHI for a 7-course meal consisting of only OMA MAGURO! Menu listed below.
According to Takeuchi-san, the bluefin in this area eat a lot of squid and that gives their meat extra tasty fat and good consistency which is prized in Japan. The Otoro (light pink fatty tuna) is by far the best Ive ever tasted!
NOTE about Bluefin Tuna overfishing / endangered status:
I was concerned about this but what I learned is that the maguro here are not net fished by big boats. They are pole and string caught meaning local fisherman dont catch more than a few at a time.
Please take note that Aomori prefecture has laws in place and although other prefecture have different laws, the fisherman of Ōma have a profound deal of respect for the hon-maguro. Despite what you hear in the news, I did not see any kind of abuse. I personally do not eat much maguro because of the news, and any maguro that is too cheap has most likely come from larger ships over fishing an area and of low quality. Omas fishing practice is the opposite, its reputation important to the city. * I felt it important to include this.
This show has been created and produced by John Daub ジョン・ドーブ. Hes been living and working in Japan for over 19 years and regularly reports on TV for Japans International Channel. ONLY in JAPAN is a registered trademark. This content cannot be reused for any purpose without the consent of the creator as stipulated in the YouTube license and copyright.